I had the most wonderful compliment the other day. At the end of our office day, one of my staff
said to me “Dr O’Keefe, if you were a dog you would be a golden retriever.” That comment
made my day, in fact it was probably the best compliment I have received in a long time. You
see, most of us run around all day long stressed out trying to “get stuff done.” Anyone that slows
us down is a nuisance and typically a source of irritation in our minds. It’s no secret that stress is
literally killing us. We know it, yet we still find ourselves on that hamster wheel repeating over
and over again that which has gotten us stressed out in the first place.
So, how do we make a change that gets us out of the wash, rinse, and repeat cycle?
Perspective. How we choose to look at a situation makes all the difference. Can we get out of
our own head and, maybe, see another perspective. Can we become just a little more other-
centered? Can we become more aware of the good that is around us? So many times, we just
rush by the simple beauty of nature as we let our thoughts swirl around our head. We are, after
all, human beings not human doings. Did you know that simply looking at green (as in trees,
grass, etc.) will reduce both physical and phycological stressors? When we take the time to
expose ourselves to nature our parasympathetic nervous system is activated. That is the “rest
and digest” part of our nervous system. When our parasympathetics are up-regulated, our
stress hormones, such as cortisol, are reduced. Long term high cortisol levels are associated
with multiple health issues, including a shrinking brain. And, who needs that?
OK, so back to the the golden retriever, and my new found insight. How does a golden retriever
look at life? Perspective, remember? Goldens tend to be even-tempered, intelligent,
affectionate, playful, gentle, and get along well with others. They love to run around and play
outside and will always take the opportunity to hop into water when given the chance. What a
great way to live! Perhaps we can learn something from our furry friends. I think we would all
agree, the golden retriever is not a stressed out puppy. A chihuahua..that’s a different story.
Let’s take a look at the golden character and see how we might implement a few traits into our
Even tempered…do we really have to fly off the handle when we drop our coffee cup or when
another driver cuts us off on the highway? Or can we realize that the person that just cut us off
is probably stuck in a hamster wheel of his/her own pain and give a little grace. Maybe they just
didn’t see you. Now’s the time for a deep breathing exercise. 5 seconds in, 5 seconds out.
Slowing your breath will stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system and give you the
mental space to realize your current situation is not the end of the world. I don’t want to sound
cliche, but “don’t sweat the small stuff.”
Intelligent. I like this one. Goldens learn, use the information they are given, change behavior
according to what they have learned, and adapt to their environment. Take the time to learn
something new each day and apply it. This is how we grow. And remember, growth requires
change and change is always uncomfortable. We live in an age when information is at our
fingertips with a click of a button, a quick google search, or a “hey Siri.” What could you learn
and apply today that will improve your health for tomorrow?
Affectionate. I like this one too. Golden retrievers love to snuggle and have their ears rubbed;
and guess what?…They don’t have problems with high blood pressure either. Affectionate
gestures like hugging, cuddling, and holding hands triggers the release of oxytocin. This
hormone, known as the “love hormone,” reduces cortisol (a stress hormone), lowers blood
pressure, reduces pain, boosts the immune system, and improves sleep. It also strengthens our
relationships by giving us a sense of closeness and attachment. Can you just sense a snuggly
golden with his or her muzzle resting contently on your feet? Can you feel your shoulders
relaxing at the thought of it? Action step: Take a little time each day to cuddle and hug the ones
you love.
Playful. Guess what? I like this one too. Do you remember when you were a young child
running around outside making up games, laughing at the silliest little thing, and open to new
adventures? We don’t have to give up that part of ourselves just because we have grown a little
older. Playfulness actually stimulates our creativity. Have you ever met a child with absolutely no
creativity? What happens to that creative outlook as we age? It seems there are more adults
than children with diminished creativity. My theory is that we (the adults in the room) don’t play
nearly enough. Find yourself a game, a hobby, or just something that makes you laugh. Did you
know that laughter actually boosts your immune system? Laughter increases your T-cells and
your infection fighting antibodies; so, play and belly laugh yourself into better health. Trust me,
this will be fun.
Get along well with others. You guessed it…Maybe I am a golden. Goldens are actually quite
social and for the most part maintain a positive and cooperative attitude. Healthy social
interaction is associated with reduced stress, an improved immune system, and increased
longevity. In fact, research confirms that those with strong social connections tend to live longer
than those who are more isolated. We are, after all, social beings. Maybe today is the day to call
a friend you haven’t seen in awhile and plan a fun outing.
So, there you have it, my newfound perspective. Let’s take a lesson from our four legged friends
and spend a little more time on what is truly important. After all, we will never get another today,
so we might as well enjoy it. Perhaps today is the day to take a walk in a park, play ball, learn
something new, hug your peeps, and, perhaps, even jump in the pool (or splash in a puddle).
Maybe its time to slow down a bit, the “to do” list will be there tomorrow. I suppose the real
lesson here is to prioritize your health and take the time to enjoy your life and the people in it.
Wishing you all a Golden Retriever kind of day!
fax: (321) 444-6755
email: office@restoringhealth.center
475 Maitland Ave
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701